Saturday, July 5, 2008

"Most Converted Camper Award"

Sooo Mikayla just attended Girls Camp for her 4th year at Camp Zion. Camp Zion is like up in Tucson on Mt. Lemon. The first two days was straight up hiking through mountains. The 4th years all got the chance to repel off a mountain, which Mikayla was the first to do out of all the girls. Then they started their hike which was 4½ miles the first day and 5½ miles the second day. It was an over night hike which bacically means that the girls had to find a flat area to set up tents and sleep. That night in the middle of the woods, a bear came and charged at the priesthood men who were there which was only about 20 feet from where all the girls were at. Somehow, Mikayla (the most non-camper/hiker person in the world) was at the front of the line the second day and was the first girl back. Not to mention the fact that the second day was allllll uphill and switchbacks. Somehow she sucked it all up and was determined to just get back to civilization! So The whole week was eventfull. She peed on the side of a mountain all week and shot pellet guns and did archery and learned line dancing! She also did a few cute crafts and took the 1st years snipe hunting!! It was a hard week for Mikayla due to the fact that she HATES camping and alll that comes with it (bugs, trees, rocks, dirt, etc). But she managed to make it alive.


The Robisons said...

AWE WEENS! Look at you...hope you had fun! It sounds like it...Gene and I were just talking about "snipe" hunting and all the crazy "mormon" games...anyway, luv ya!